How is Negotiating Skills Training Relevant to Your Sales Career?

Advanced negotiation skills are essential when working in a sales environment. The tension can sometimes rise in situations in which parties feel they are not being heard, or they are not getting the best deal. In 2024, good communication skills are sometimes forgotten due to connections via technology. Sometimes it is important to get back

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Did You Miss ATD 2024? Here’s What You Need to Know

For over 80 years, the ATD Conference has been the go-to event for worldwide talent development professionals and industry leaders to gather, learn from top speakers, and make valuable connections. But something was different this year. Between May 19-22, the ATD 2024 International Conference & EXPO turned the lively city of New Orleans into a

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Cross Cultural Negotiation

If you’re eyeing international expansion, first get a handle on cross-cultural negotiations.  Suppose you’re an American executive gearing up for talks with a Japanese company. Over there, business is all about respect and forming solid relationships before you dive into the actual deals. Jump straight to business, and you might find yourself negotiating tickets for

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Shattering Ceilings on International Women’s Day: Influence and Negotiation Strategies for Women

Let’s take a second to acknowledge International Women’s Day and celebrate work cultures that not only welcome women but embrace all they bring to the table. With women still underrepresented in the boardroom, the gender pay gap still prevalent, and that ever-present glass ceiling still looming large, now is the time to amplify our efforts.

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The Indispensable Role of Human Trainers in the AI-Dominated Training Landscape

In an age where artificial intelligence (AI) is helpful in almost every aspect of our lives—from enhancing training simulations to automating the scheduling of meetings—it’s easy to be in awe of the efficiency it brings. Yet, amidst this technological marvel, the value of human interaction, especially in the realm of learning and development, remains unparalleled.

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From Challenges to Triumph: J&J Snack Foods’ Procurement Team’s Path to Negotiation Excellence

Michael Sheridan joined J&J Snack Food, a leading and innovative snack food company, as head of procurement in early 2023. Right away he noticed that his procurement team, though talented and skilled in their trade, faced a few challenges while negotiating supplier and vendor contracts, as they were not formally versed in the nuances of negotiation.

From Challenges to Triumph: J&J Snack Foods’ Procurement Team’s Path to Negotiation Excellence Read More »

Shapiro’s Business Keynote Speakers

The ability to be inspired may fuel incredible achievement in the fast-paced world of business. The drivers that light up enthusiasm and encourage creativity within companies are business keynote speakers. Shapiro Negotiations, an internationally recognized leader in coaching and training in negotiation, is at the forefront of this revolutionary movement. Shapiro gives companies the tools

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