Is Virtual Reality the Future of Sales Training?

Virtual reality is finally reaching its heyday, thanks to increased affordability and big names like Facebook and Google embracing the trend. VR headset makers promise the technology will revolutionize the way we work and play. But do the same applications relate to sales training? Here are some of the benefits virtual reality brings to sales training along with potential pitfalls to avoid.

VR Offers Cost-Effective Education Solutions

Imagine a classroom where education can be presented to learners one-on-one, and everyone is learning at the same time. Sounds like a solution across education spectrums: Learning for elementary students becomes more fun and engaging, military and law enforcement can train for dangerous situations without being put at risk, and college students get more clear direction from the get-go.

Virtual reality training benefits businesses as well. Managers often struggle to find time to train their sales teams. With VR, the manager can create one virtual training session distributed to each person on the team to be viewed when they’re ready. Training feels like it’s face-to-face, so it’s more effective and saves costs. Sales trainings can take place more often, providing greater regularity and more consistent results.

Virtual reality allows sales teams to be immersed in environments they might not otherwise experience, but that they will eventually need to understand. Train salespeople in the features of heavy machinery without having to leave the office. Practice demonstrating a product or conducting negotiations with virtual clients before it happens in the real world.

VR Promotes Retention

Any time you learn something new, the brain retains more as exposure increases. Provide your sales team with virtual reality training and encourage them to return to it more than once.

Virtual reality allows sales people to practice what they’ve learned. When trainees go through sales simulations, they find holes in their knowledge and work through their nerves to develop confidence. Team members can practice presentations in a low-stress environment before they face the real one.

Virtual Reality Helps Sell Products

VR is compelling, even when the subject matter you are trying to explain feels dry. Consider the medical industry: If you place the viewer in a virtual environment where they can experience a stent implant, suddenly, they can wrap their brains around the process in ways much more multidimensional than through language alone.

Virtual reality gives salespeople a tool to engage the prospect and offer the chance to try before asking for a purchase.

Limitations of Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality can be great for training, but it does have some limitations. There’s no human interaction, which can lead to communication problems. In a real training, you can ask questions. The person in charge of training can see if someone looks confused.

VR can be a cost-effective tool for your trainings, just ensure there’s a backup plan for those who fall behind.

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