Capturing Business Relationship Value

The Situation

SNI was engaged by one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical brands to enhance their existing sales skills platform across company divisions. The company was in a heated battle with its largest competitor over market share and differentiating its line of product offerings in a market that was attempting to force it into a commodity business model.

The SNI Solution

SNI provided the Hospital, Institutional, Primary Care, and Managed Care representatives a systematic, relationship-based set of Sales Optimization programs in order to create competitive marketplace leverage. The partnership began with a detailed field assessment, which included live ride-alongs in order to determine the core group of challenges and concerns. All materials were designed to meet the needs and challenges of each individual business segment. POA meetings were used as the launching point for the training.

Regional meetings, in-house curriculum, one-one- one sessions, hard copy field guides and blended learning were then used to conduct advanced modules, reinforce content, and create performance and coaching accountability. All initial programs for the core sales force and leadership were conducted by SNI Master Facilitators. A modified Train-the- Trainer process was utilized for the remainder of training and reinforcement to maximize the probability of continued utilization of the skill sets and tools.

The Impact

“I have been in the pharmaceutical business for over 20 years and have never been through a training program that so directly hit the mark. The topics were on point and the tools will help us all build more effective relationships instead of just pitching product. Thank you.”

“Our sales group is one of the most experienced I’ve ever worked with. I was amazed at how stuck in our “bad” habits we all are. The skills and tools you gave us were presented in a fun and entertaining way that made us all want to learn and be more effective. If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought your group were actual employees. Thanks for taking the time to get to know our ‘real’ world.”

The Result

Careful tracking of participant results showed a significant lift in profitable business relationships and an increased capturing of value for their people, products, and position in the market. Participants reported an increased comfort in being more direct with customers and ability to build relationships beyond friendships with multiple levels and roles within each customer.

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